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9000-16000元 昆明宜良县 应届毕业生 大专
昆明方德波尔格玫瑰花卉有限公司 2024-06-16 09:31:05
9000-16000元 昆明宜良县 应届毕业生 大专
昆明方德波尔格玫瑰花卉有限公司 2024-06-16 09:31:05
职责描述: 1 Discuss the day planning with sales and confirm with the supervisors and team leaders what to pack when.与销售人员讨论当天计划,并与组长和小组长确认何时如何包装 ; 2 Daily meetings with all packing hall people and discuss the focus points of the day.每天与所有包装车间人员开会,讨论当天工作的重点 ; 3 Optimize labor in packing hall(s) by weekly and daily labor planning and discuss with HR.通过每周和每日的劳动力计划优化包装车间的劳动力,并与人力资源部讨论 ; 4 Make sure quality is optimized in whole process and minimize lost because of damaged.确保全过程质量最优化,减少因破损而造成的损失; 5 Discuss with QC what quality issues were found and see how to improve quality.与QC讨论发现的质量问题,并找到办法提高质量; 6 Take care of hygiene protocols in case of disease or to prevent diseases.注意操作流程的卫生管理,预防疾病; 7 Communication with sales about market feedback of delivered orders.与销售部沟通已交付订单的市场反馈 ; 8 Have good control of bunched and unbunched stock and make sure flowers get bunched before quality gets less (open flowers).控制好成品花和毛花的库存,确保在质量下降之前将毛花包装好(控制开放度); 9 Organize box packing team, to make sure the right orders in the right package go to the right customer at the right time. Make sure orders of one customer go into one truck.组织打包团队,确保客户及时收到准确的产品,确保一个客户的订单放在一辆卡车上; 10 avoid differences with ERP by keeping stock control management sharp.确保库存准确,避免与ERP系统中存在过大的差异; 11 Look at efficiency throughout the whole process packing.关注整个包装过程中的效率; 12 Registration of all information needed and see how to optimize this. See what information if needed and what not. Send the reports weekly to all people needed.记录所有信息,查看如何继续优化,筛选出有用的信息,每周给所有需要的人发送报告; 13 Apply for purchase items in ERP.在ERP系统中录入需要采购的材料; 14 Make sure all materials in the packing hall are stored well and minimize losses.确保包装车间的所有材料储存良好,降低损耗 ; 15 Monitor performance of people.监控员工绩效; 16 Make a training plan and train people in the packing hall.制定培训计划,并实施培训 ; 17 Communication with maintenance about preventive maintenance and repairs.就预防性维护和维修与维护部门进行沟通; 18 Finish the other tasks from the leader.完成领导交办的其他工作。 岗位福利待遇: 1、高于同地区、同行业的工资标准,与鲜花为伍,每天好心情; 2、公司提供两人间员工宿舍,宿舍沙发、洗衣机等生活设施一应俱全; 3、年底丰厚年终奖与13薪; 4、购买六险一金(在五险一金基础上加购意外伤害险); 5、每周双休,时间可以灵活安排; 6、提供每月话补以及工作日午餐等等

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