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来源:高校网 | 发布时间:2024-09-10 15:07:37 |  访问:158


originally under the name “tsinghua xuetang”, tsinghua university was founded in 1911 and is one of the most prestigious universities in china. tsinghua university school of economics and management (tsinghua sem) was established in 1984, with former premier zhu rongji as the founding dean. after 40 years of development, tsinghua sem has achieved remarkable results in talent cultivation, scientific research, social services, cultural heritage innovation and international exchanges and cooperation. it has taken the lead in obtaining the top two certifications of global management education aacsb and equis and becomes a leading economics and management school in china.


the postdoctoral research station of tsinghua sem was officially approved in 1988. there are four disciplines under the station: theoretical economics, applied economics, management science and engineering, and business administration. up till now we have recruited over 700 postdoctoral researchers in total, including international and enterprise joint training postdoctoral researchers. over the past 40 years, tsinghua sem’s postdoctoral system has grown to one with larger scale, greater quality, better governance with eminent achievement in research and talent-training, and a higher social reputation.


tsinghua sem seeks to hire scholars in a variety of academic fields

01招聘领域recruitment areas

理论经济学(经济系)theoretical economics(department of economics)

应用经济学(经济系,金融系)applied economics (departments of economics / finance)

工商管理(会计系,领导力与组织管理系,创新创业与战略系,市场营销系)business administration (departments of accounting / leadership and organization management / innovation, entrepreneurship and strategy / marketing)

管理科学与工程(管理科学与工程系)management science and engineering (department of management science and engineering)

02合作导师postdoctoral instructors


up to january 31, 2024, tsinghua sem has 146 full-time faculty members and six dual-appointed faculty of tsinghua shenzhen international graduate school (innovation management area) and tsinghua sem (shenzhen campus). among full-time and dual-appointed faculty, 149 have phd degrees; eleven are recipients of the china national science foundation's distinguished young scholars funds; twelve are recipients of national natural science foundation of china's excellent young scientists fund; six are fellows of international academic institutes; nine are supported by the “program for new century excellent talents” of the ministry of education. tsinghua sem also invites honorary professors, adjunct professors, visiting professors, and management practice of visiting professors.


for contact details of the postdoctoral instructors, please refer to the website of tsinghua sem :https://www.sem.tsinghua.edu.cn/js/szdw.htm



1)applicants must have a phd degree from a well-known university;


2)under 35 years old(at the time of entry procedures);


3)within three years of doctoral graduation before applying(at the time of entry procedures);


4)shall work full time at tsinghua university.

04工作和生活待遇compensation and benefits


compensation: attractive salary package will be provided;


housing: we assist in solving housing problems and provide rental apartments;


children education: children at preschool and compulsory education age can attend the affiliated kindergartens, primary and junior middle schools of tsinghua university.

05应聘材料application materials


1)cv (including a list of publications and working papers)


2)selected publications


3)other evidence of research and teaching excellence


4)employment separation certificate

04应聘方式application process


to apply, please send the application materials to

email(subject line: name-ph.d. graduate school-research area). screening of candidates will be conducted in spring and autumn semesters.





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【 责任编辑:高校小招 】





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